March 8, 2025

Clear skin guide for the girlies who just can’t get their skin under control!

Acne!!!! Ahh – maybe the biggest struggle of my life for as long as I can remember. Here’s me getting SUPER vulnerable to show you how much I understand acne – the second photo is after 3 months of being consistent with everything list below, it is possible!!

The only time I haven’t had acne before? When I was pregnant! Not pregnant this time – instead I made some pretty big changes that you can easily make too!

Below is the list of lifestyle changes I made for clear skin – I link EVERYTHING I use and swear by. It’s been a long battle and I’m so thankful to be where I am with my skincare routine.

Let me know if you have any questions! Remember these things are not overnight fixes – it takes consistency to see results.

Foods I avoid

  • no dairy (except organic grass-fed butter! this has been the only thing that doesn’t break me out – i don’t consume a ton, just a little on my bread when needed. the big culprits for me are yogurt, milk, cheese, and cottage cheese.)
  • no gluten besides the sourdough I make at home
  • no refined sugar (cane sugar breaks me out within the next day) – I stick to Monkfruit and maple syrup. Occasionally I’ll use honey but not very often.
  • limit caffeine in take and ONLY drink after eating breakfast – i do max one cup of coffee a day or i do decaf / half caff. Matcha is great too!
  • When I drink coffee I always use my homemade cashew milk and add Cymbiotika coconut creamer

Foods I consume for clear skin

Morning supplements for clear skin – code WHATROBINEATS for a discount on all Cymbiotika, they are really worth the hype

Skincare routine – I note which ones I use morning and night

Face masks – I use as directed on the package

Before bed supplements –

Movement –

  • strength train 3-4 times a week – I use the Peloton app and have these life changing weights at home
  • cardio 2-3 times a week, 30-45 minutes max

Some girlies swear by low impact for clear skin but I found that cycling and Versa climber classes are best for me.

And that’s it!!! What products or lifestyle change worked for you that I’m missing?

Here’s the link to my Clear Skin Amazon Storefront page.

Keep me posted on if you try any of these changes over on Instagram! <3

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