November 30, 2019

The most cozy ramen for the most cozy season. In collaboration with Mike’s Mighty Good Ramen Soup.

Noodles weren’t on the menu for a long time. Why? Because I was afraid that they would throw off any “balance” that I had in my life. I had worked so hard to maintain a lifestyle that seemed healthy and I was nervous that eating a bowl of noodles would send everything I had worked so hard for out the window. Those years are long gone and I am happy to say that noodles are on the menu in our home weekly.

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Not just any noodles, but Mike’s Mighty Good ramen noodles. Their noodles are made from scratch daily with fresh flour, water, and salt and they are steamed, not fried. The goodness doesn’t stop there! The broth in Mike’s Mighty Good ramen soup is outta this world and insanely delicious. Made with ingredients you can actually pronounce and they make nine different broth flavors. The flavors range from vegetarian and to spicy beef for the meat lovers. We love their vegetarian kimchi ramen soup! We top it with shrimp, poached egg, and fresh basil but it totally taste great on its own if you are in a rush. The ramen soup takes eight minutes to make from start to finish in the microwave. The greatest mom hack for a quick and warming meal that won’t leave you feeling weighted down.

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Click here to find Mike’s Mighty Good ramen soup near you (Whole Foods, Sprouts, and Jimbo’s to name a few). Don’t forget to use “whatrobineats” for a discount when shopping online!

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