May 20, 2020

Vanilla Cashew Walnut Mylk

Joel used the last of the milk for his cereal before his 7am calculus 2 class the other day so I had to improvise for my cold brew. I’m not mad about it either because this is the BEST dairy free mylk I’ve ever had!

Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset

Vanilla Cashew Walnut Mylk:

  • 1/2 cup cashews
  • 1/2 cup walnuts
  • 1-2 pitted dates
  • Dash of cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 3-4 cups filtered water

Directions: You probably want to soak the nuts before blending but I didn’t have the patience to do so. So either soak the nuts overnight, or at least four hours, for maximum flavor or just add everything to a blender like me and blend on high until smooth (I use a Vitamix). Strain using a reusable nut milk bag (I found mine on Amazon) and pour into a jar/glass container. This mylk tastes so good in any of my #coldbrewlikerobin recipes and especially just added straight into some freshly brewed cold brew! I make my cold brew with the Ninja Kitchen hot and cold brew maker. Oh! I mixed my collagen protein powder with the mylk in my Nespresso frother on the “cold” setting. Store bought milks will foam but my homemade one doesn’t on the cold setting. I add my collagen the same way when I do my hot coffee pours too, enjoy!

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