March 4, 2021
New ALOHA Coconut Chocolate Almond Bar, in collaboration with ALOHA.
Poppy Plotnik. Being so cute since 2018 that she gets all of my new ALOHA Coconut Chocolate Almond Bar. How could I say no to those cheeks?!

I’ve had quite the journey with protein bars. I’ve tried more than I can count and I can assure you that none have been half as good as ALOHA’s new Coconut Chocolate Almond Bar. What protein bar can you think of that makes you sad when it’s over because you want more? Yeah, I didn’t think your could think of any. This new flavor is organic, non-gmo, vegan, soy-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar alcohol free, and stevia-free. I love that I don’t have to sacrifice taste for nutrition, especially if Poppy is enjoying the bar as well. I’d choose this bar over an Almond Joy any day! And that’s saying something because Almond Joy’s were my favorite candy growing up. You can ask my mom for confirmation on that.

Having ALOHA’s new Coconut Chocolate Almond Bars in the house has become a life saver for a few reasons. One, I’m always on the go, even if we don’t leave the house that day! If I’m not tending to Wylder then I’m chasing after Poppy. Some days I only have time to grab a bar when hunger hits. Two, Poppy recently learned the word chocolate, ha! I can confidently give her one of the bars and know that her chocolate fix will be satisfied while getting 14g of plant-based protein and 9g of healthy fats from almonds and coconut. Can you say “mom win”?!
ALOHA recently joined a small group of companies dedicated to “better business” by becoming a certified B Corporation! B-Corp certified businesses meet the highest standards when it comes to social and environmental performances, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose. This renews every two years so B-Corp companies have to stay on top of it
Head to to learn more and to grab some Coconut Chocolate Almond Bars for yourself. Now which do I bite first: the bar or Poppy’s cheeks?