June 15, 2021

Honey Fig & Basil Toast

The only toast I’d choose over a bowl of cauli-oats these days.

honey fig & basil toast

Fig season always reminds me of a specific time of life. Pre-babies, living in LA, and going to all the fitness events with @sweatandrepeatla. I cannot see figs and not think of Racheal! I love that our brain works this way. Whether it’s a smell or taste that brings us back to a certain time of life, it’s pretty amazing. What’s one food that always reminds you of a specific time of life? I have so many memories revolving around certain foods if I really sit down and think about it.

honey fig & basil toast:

  • sourdough toast
  • cream cheese
  • fresh figs
  • honey
  • cinnamon
  • basil

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